Recover Building Limited

Recover Building Limited was founded in 2003 and has been growing and evolving since then.

Since we started we have never found it necessary to advertise our services; word of mouth recommendations keep us working all year round, and even during the recent economic downturn Recover Building Limited has continued to flourish.

From the first telephone call, prospective clients will benefit from our years of experience of putting the customers needs first. A meeting will be arranged, at a time convenient to you, to go over the plans and survey the site where the project is to take place. At this time some guidance may be offered about design details which may have been overlooked: such as an electrical plan which directly addresses the needs of the people who will live in the finished building, some advice on the latest developments in future proofing, or other advice on optimising the opportunity presented by having a professional building team available.

The usual process after this meeting is for us to take the plans away and to request a wish-list from the client including all the details they would like to find in the home when we deliver the finished article to them, this package goes to our directly employed Quantity Surveyor for pricing. While it may take a couple of weeks to return the completed quote document, this time is necessary so we can be as accurate as possible with the figures. Despite what other builders may claim; it is possible to arrive at a figure which covers all eventualities if the preparation work is done correctly, and it is possible to complete the build without any variations in cost. Typically, variations that affect the bottom line on Recover Building projects are caused by changes in scope dictated by our clients. These changes are priced up and the client is notified in writing of the extra cost before any work goes ahead.

Unless the company is at full capacity, we can start any project within six weeks of contracts being signed. Recover Building Limited carries public liability insurance of £10 million and a contractors all risk insurance policy of £2.5 million, these policies cover all eventualities and provide assurance that your building project is backed up by real guarantees.

Warranty periods can be arranged through LABC if required.